Friday, September 19, 2014

Overview of the MLM Business Industry Attrition

In times of extreme stress and disaster, people will abandon their MLM business for something better. There is a natural and unnatural rate of attrition for any industry. A natural rate of loss is defined as "acts caused by external sources that are not related to the business operation." A few examples include family emergencies and other direct life influences. People will retire from a business if they find that their efforts are not profitable or due to health and age issues. An unnatural rate of loss is defined as "acts caused by internal sources that are within or indirectly related to the operation of the business."

Unnatural attrition in the MLM business has always been a constant battle for the individual business owner and for their support teams. What could be possible cause a professional marketer to quit their career? Could it be that they have mishandled their business, perhaps there has been a smear campaign launched by a foreign rival? There are many reasons, but the biggest is the lack of profit for their business. They are putting in a ton of effort and receiving so little back in compensation. While money is rated in the top five for motivational factors for networkers, it is not the only one.

Reducing Attrition: Formulating a Battle Plan

How can you as a sponsor reduce the unnatural attrition for your MLM business? Where would you start and how would you start? To formulate a battle plan, you will need to know why your teammates are quitting. What are the factors that are making them give up on the business? These factors can make a difference in how you can reduce the rate of loss and increase your retention level. Many people do not like to lose money, even if its only small amounts at a time. The investment of theirs has to be accountable and if you cannot explain to why they are paying for the continued existence in the company. Do not expect your team to be happy.

Once you can combat the factors that are causing your team to leave the company. You can formulate and execute the battle plan to help reduce YOUR losses. Each person that you lose is a stab into your business line itself. This means a lower profit and a tougher time in recruiting because these people will become enemies of the company. If you can recover their loyalty before they leave, this will solidify your position.